Empowering Success
How often are you assuming too much? It’s something you need to think about when you’re engaged in a job hunt.

There’s a plant sale in a neighborhood near where I live. I’ve been seeing signs for it. They say, “At the Kingsly Club House.” That’s the only direction or address the signs provide. I guess we’re supposed to know where that is…Or, at least, the organizers assume we all know how to look it up online.

It occurred to me — a lot of job seekers present their information (on their resumes and via their online profiles) with a mindset similar to the one of the person who wrote that vague sign. These job seekers assume either everyone will know “what they mean,” will take the time to figure it out, or look it up.

Are you writing a resume requiring people to think too much — or to figure out what you mean to say? Are you leaving your skills and accomplishments to the reader’s imagination or asking him or her to read between the lines? If you aren’t clear and concise on your resume, it’s unlikely to attract the type of response you need.